An Interview with the student of Tetso College on 5th September, Teachers’ Day 2019 by DotTalks Reporter, Chubamenla.

Reporter: Hi Nokmachiba, How are you finding Tetso College so far?
Nokmachiba: Well, It’s beyond my expectations. I mean the College life is full of different processes so it was quite confusing but the teachers treat us very well and are very helpful so I’m really thankful for that. The teaching here is really advanced, students are really broad-minded, I see no racism or tribalism in the campus and very understanding students and teachers. So, it’s so far so good.
R: How was the Fresher’s Day celebration?
N: Yes it was great. Since we all were considered Mr. or Miss Fresher, we all felt really special and it made us feel equal. The program made us feel at home.
R: Since today is Teachers Day, can you say something about Tetso College teachers?
N: Yes, Every teacher is friendly and approachable so I really appreciate all our teachers.
R: Say something to the people reading this?
N: “Don’t just strive one thing, have two or more goals so that if you fail at one you’ll have another option.”

Reporter: Hi, Reeme, So coming straight to the point, How do you find Tetso College so far?
Reeme: At first I was hesitant about the atmosphere but as I’m getting to know Tetso better, the atmosphere and students are all very good. All the lecturers are also great. And I also made a lot of new friends and I’m learning so much from them. Our department teachers right now are just awesome. They are ever ready to help us with any problems that we have. They are very approachable.
Reporter: How was the Fresher’s Day program and Teachers Day program as well?
Reeme: It was great! I now know that we have not only talented students but teachers as well. They make everything lively and enjoyable.
Reporter: Thank you Reeme for your time. Can you say a few words or a quote to the audience reading this?
Reeme: “As long as you try you never fail, so never give up.”