Should I Be Happy or Should I Not?

All that we needed, a break

From our tiresome daily work schedule

Overnight this long awaited wish was granted

That we all once yearned for


Happy I was and happy we were

But the reasons of happiness probably, for many

Was impeded by the policies of the politics

That granted no to luxury but yes to essentials only.


Happy I was but not very

What my heart still pined for?

Essentials I had, family I had

Did I crave for luxury?

That which luxury for many, why it is an essential to me!


Things did change now

The settlement of online education

Through the unsettlement of Covid 19 pandemic

The new e-learning absorption

Brought in the era of autonomous learning life.


We tried to eke out happiness

Even on this uncongenial environment

Sometimes with playing ludo, tambola or carom

Games which our generation had long forgotten


At times when stepping out made me not even think once

Now I thought not a once but a thousand many times

Not for the self but for the safety of all

Because the invisible enemy of the human race

Had come with a special offer, buy one and get many free


No treatment, no vaccine developed yet

The world which divided was once

Became now one force, against that invisible enemy

That the enemy in disguise brought unity

Which we could not achieve until now


Should I be happy for this or should I not?

Am I the only person to see this unity?

Or a fool am I to praise the invisible enemy

Which in turn offers only suffering to my people


No medicine, but hope is the new medicine

Sooner or later it shall go away one day

But will the world be still united like this everyday? 

Sneha Gupta
Tetso College