Some Thoughts On The Plague Year

As this plague year started, life became dull, boring, and full of negativity. Today I felt like noting down what I have seen and heard with my own naked eyes. Due to this pandemic known as COVID-19, I have seen a lot of people are dying.

So many are in intensive care, our nurses and doctors are at the front line in this war, without whom we cannot win this battle alone. People who are already infected are kept in isolation, no one can see or visit them even at their last breath.

This virus is fast in transmitting the disease and because of this outbreak, I can see many are dying. I can do nothing and it’s really frustrating to sit at home completely locked down from any activities. People die without having a chance of saying goodbye and this breaks my heart.

As I’m experiencing this pandemic year along with the whole world, I can see there are lots of homeless children and people who are dying out of hunger in the streets and who are at higher risk of getting the virus. Seeing them breaks my heart, and it is really a hard and tough year for people around the world.

But when we look at the brighter side, because of this pandemic, our natural resources and environment are regenerating, there is less pollution, animals can move freely, there is a close connection among families. I’m also spending more time with my family.

I find this year 2020 as most frustrating, disturbing, and heartbreaking. I pray everyday that there will be normalcy soon and there will be a vaccine so that people will enjoy life once more.


Tetso College