SPOTLIGHT – Hawaibam Loiyumba, Assistant Professor, Department of English

Hawaibam Loiyumba is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Tetso College. He has completed his Masters in English Literature from DSB CAMPUS, Kumaon University, Nainital and is currently pursuing PhD in English Literature from the same University. He has also qualified NET and NE-SET Exams in English.

Loiyumba also has a couple of publications under his belt. Prior to joining Tetso College, he has previously worked as an Assistant Professor in Don Bosco College, Maram and Bir Tikendrajit University, Imphal.

He believes that all things are possible with firm determination and in keeping one’s dreams alive. He advocates the idea that we all belong to one race, i e. humanity.

He is also deeply fond of photography, videography, painting and gardening. Being a dynamic personality who is yearning to gain new knowledge each passing day, he never stops his research about budding contemporary writers. He is very much fascinated by mountains and enjoys exploring new cultures and new places.


3T: What made you pursue a teaching career? Did it meet your expectations?

Hawaibam: Since a very young age, I always wanted to be a teacher. It’s just a feeling and I have no specific reason for it. But after becoming one, I realized that I was more than right in my decision or else I would be merely chasing rainbows. The charm of being a teacher fuels more when several lives are being touched through one’s knowledge and experiences. The immense love and respect which I get in return is beyond measure, and would not be an understatement to call it as heavenly bliss.


3T: At any point in your student life, have you ever regretted choosing English as your major?

Hawaibam: No, I never regret choosing English as my major.


3T: How do you think society benefits from literature? Why is literature so important?

Hawaibam: The core concept of literature is to be more humane. It also teaches us that happiness can be sought even from the most ordinary and little things in life. To enjoy and cherish every moment of life is another valuable asset of literature, which are the basic necessities required to lead a peaceful and meaningful life.


3T: It looks like the online classes are going to continue for a while. What advice would you give to your students who are struggling to cope up with the stress of online learning?

Hawaibam: I just want to advise the students to accept the fact that change is inevitable in life. These tough times are one of the variegated challenges which life unfolds to make us grow spiritually and mentally. So one should take it as a challenge and remain headstrong rather than taking stress. This opportunity should be grabbed to groom oneself for a wiser and strong ‘self’. Hence, these whole processes should be enjoyed by learning to gain more technical knowledge.


3T: Many parents are outraged because of the adoption of online classes while some are glad that their children are safe from possible infection of COVID-19 due to the on-campus classes. What do you think is more important? Proper learning provided through offline classes despite the health risks or staying home and being safe while learning at home?

Hawaibam: There is nothing more important than life. Health is everything and taking care of people around us should be our priority. The present situation is not what we ask for. Unfortunately, there is no other way round. We cannot be rigid, we have to be flexible and should cope up with the given circumstances. Yes, offline classes are good. But we can also conduct online classes as effectively and successfully as offline classes do. We just need to give some time to it and adjust with the online mode. The need of the hour is a collaborative workforce between the teachers and parents, to give equal attention towards the students. If it happens, online classes are a positively assured success.


3T: Have you learned any new skills since the first lockdown?

Hawaibam: Yes, during lock down I have discovered certain qualities I never knew I was good at, especially my culinary skills. Moreover, it gave me a lot of me-time to ponder over my responsibilities towards my loved ones.


3T: Do you have any achievements that you are proud of?

Hawaibam: Achievement for me is not just in terms of material gain and academic achievement. For me it is a lot more than that. To be someone whom people can trust and rely on is something that I feel good about myself.


3T: What is one thing that keeps you going even on your bad days?

Hawaibam: I always believe in the notion that nothing lasts forever, so are the problems too, which comes along with a solution. This belief keeps me going even on my bad days.


3T: If you weren’t an English major what course would you major in and why?

Hawaibam: Hypothetically, if not English as my major then, I would be a painter, videographer, restauranteur or a lawn tennis player. Because these are the things that I’m really passionate about other than literature.


3T: Can you quote a line Or two from your favorite poem?

Hawaibam: My favorite list is quite extensive. So,I would like to mention a particular line which resonates with my present state of mind.

It’s from Mary Elizabeth Fyre:

“Do not stand

By my grave, and weep.


I am the thousand winds that blow.”


3T: What’s one thing that the world needs more of and less of?

Hawaibam: The world needs more of acceptance and less of being judgemental.


3T: Describe Tetso in one word.

Hawaibam: Supreme.

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