The COVID-19 Pandemic Experience

In the last few months, we have experienced that COVID-19 has brought tremendous change in our lives affecting our lifestyle, relationships, the universe and nature as well. Firstly, we have become quite conscious about hygiene. In order to keep COVID-19 away, we have to regularly clean ourselves each time we touch anything or come close to any person or object. Now, we not only sanitize or disinfect ourselves but also those things that directly or indirectly belong to us. Without any special occasion or festival, we have started cleaning our houses and surroundings on a regular basis and show support in cleaning our society and community as well.

When it comes to family relationships, we can say that COVID-19 has constrained us to spend quality time with our family members and made us realize that our family members are also very good people who care and support us, no matter what circumstances we are in.

Online learning and working is becoming the new normal of this era. Although we have long felt that the time would come when everything will be online and within our reach with a single click of a few buttons, perhaps COVID-19 is the cause of that prediction which we are witnessing now.

Also, the rules and regulations and other experiments to control pollution had totally failed but now, we are trying to control pollution with different tactics such as odd-even number system. The subsequent lockdown has compelled us to stay at home, working and studying from home resulting not only in controlling pollution but also helping the ozone layer to heal. In short, humans have been disturbing the ecological balance since centuries but COVID-19 has given our world the chance to heal by itself. The air quality now is more hygienic and better in quality.

Earlier, we used to complain about kids spending too much time on devices but now we can see them coming up with creative ideas of passing time in indoor physical activities and doing fun activities.

It is like we were too tired of our busy schedule and COVID-19 has come to give us a break to take rest and reunite with ourselves again to start afresh. Live a life full of zeal and rekindle the relationship with your family which we have missed out on for a long time.

Although COVID-19 is a deadly virus killing mass human beings, the positive part of it is that it is giving us a way of thinking to be hygienic, physically and mentally. Let us realize that we can contain the virus as long as we are united in abiding by the country’s rules and regulations.

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Meanwhile, during this pandemic period, many YouTubers have come up. These are some YouTubers sharing their experiences in various quarantine centres. Some are living in good conditions whereas some are living in bad conditions. I have been watching their vlogs ever since the lockdown started. They not only focus on entertainment areas but also bring to light the real conditions of the Naga society, its culture, tradition, environment, the attitude of the people and the mindset of the people. There are many more YouTubers but these are the ones that I have been watching.

There are many people in various quarantine centres all across Nagaland. Some are situated in town areas, some in secluded areas, some in village areas. All of their experiences are different so we cannot bring everyone under the same category. Some are facing water issues, electricity issues, fooding and lodging issues, lack of medical assistance issues and many more which we are unaware of. In some places, there is no unity among the workers and the people staying there, while in some places there is no unity among the people living in quarantine centres. Many people working and studying in different places across the world and in India itself have come together under one roof, so there are differences among them. 

In order to get better insights upon what really is the situation in quarantine centres I collected certain information from a relative of mine who is under quarantine here in Dimapur, Nagaland. She said that the caretaker always listens to what they say or ask for. The workers give them necessary requirements whenever asked for. The things include bathing and washing soap, face mask, toothpaste, mosquito coil, etc, free of cost. They provide first aid, sanitizers, bedsheets, and a small Bible to every person indicating hope for all. They also provided a water boiler in every room. They check every food item brought by any outsider. I heard that the rich kids are taken home without staying under quarantine. That is not the case in every place. Here everyone is treated equally, provided equal amounts of things. But the boys get more food and are first called for food every time due to the stigma attached to it that male consume more and have bigger appetites. The workers keep the surroundings very clean. She also mentioned about the workers sacrificing their domestic animals when there is scarcity of meat in the market.

Some complaints that usually come up among them are that certain issues regarding food have not improved despite repeated complaints. Issues like finding tiny wrappers and hair in the food items are all ignored. Providing half-cooked rice and potato, providing food very late, giving soda drinks for breakfast, smuggling tobacco, smoking and spitting are some prevalent issues not kept under check. All these lead to disputes and disrespect among them. So there are loopholes from both the sides. Unless a person experiences things himself/herself one wouldn’t understand. Experience matters in all spheres of life. I believe there is time for everything so we just need to be patient for some time and bear everything for a little more time.

Rokosielie Ratsa
Class 12
Tetso College