The Effect of Coronavirus on the Life of Common People

The Effect of Coronavirus on the Life of Common People

When I was browsing on Facebook, one picture reportedly taken in Malaysia caught my attention: a man hugging his child wrapped in clear plastic that went viral on social media. It was claimed that the child had coronavirus symptoms and her father was asking to pray for her.

I was really saddened especially after getting to know that the child was a single daughter whose mother had died while giving birth to her. Also, the father was a soldier on coronavirus duty and was only communicating with her daughter through phone and video calls.

According to the story, the child wished to meet her father. So in order to fulfill her wishes, her single father took leave to see his daughter. But when he reached home, her daughter was infected with coronavirus and the only way to hug and hold her was to cover her with the plastic sheet before embracing her own daughter.

Class- 12
Tetso College